Youth soccer games are played on Saturdays and Sundays. SIGN UP NOWSession #1: November 23 – December 21, 2024
Regular Registration: Deadline Nov. 17th
5 Weeks / 5 Games
- 6×6 Team: $650.00
- Individual: $125.00
Session #2: December 28, 2024 – February 8, 2025
Regular Registration: Deadline Dec. 22th
7 Weeks / 6 Games
- 6×6 Team: $825.00
- Individual: $125.00
Session 3: February 15 – March 22, 2025
Regular Registration: Deadline Feb. 9th
6 Weeks / 6 Games
- 6×6 Team: $795.00
- Individual: $125.00

Boys & Girls Recreation Soccer Contact:
Youth Recreation Soccer – Rachel Lima
703-750-9521, X12
Office Hours:
Monday: 11am to 3pm
Wednesday: 11am to 2pm
Thursday: 12am to 3pm
New turf, better lighting, bigger fields.
Please Note: The Fairfax Sportsplex indoor soccer surfaces are carpeted with synthetic grass fields or sport court tiles. While some of these fields may simulate an outdoor playing surface we do not allow players to wear cleats
Age Groups – We follow US Soccer’s guidelines on the Birth Year age groups for the Recreation League. For example (in the 2024-2025 season): 2016 – U9, 2015 – U10, 2014 – U11, 2013 – U12, etc. This means ALL players should have the same Birth Year on your team. Players may elect to play UP one year but can NOT play down. If you need advice on the correct age group, please contact the League Director.
New Turf! – New, non-infill turf is now on all of our Turf fields (3). We will be scheduling more games on turf fields for the older age groups. Some games will still be on the hard court (FIELDs 4 or 5).
Games are played – Saturday, 7am to 10pm and Sunday, 7am to 8 pm. Please contact the League Director for specific age group time brackets. We accept individual registrations for age groups U6-U17. Players will be grouped together by age to form team. We rely on parents to coach teams made up of individuals. Please our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) below for more information.
Teams in Session 1 are guaranteed a spot in Session 2 and Teams in Session 2 are guaranteed a spot in Session 3 only if full payment is received by the registrations deadlines. EARLY REGISTRATION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
This league is intended for RECREATION (House/All Star and SFL) level players only, U6-U19. Each team may only carry 2 Travel (carded) players. Exceptions may only be made by the League Director.
See FAQ below | View Frequently Asked Questions
Session 1: View Schedule
Session 2: View Schedule
Session 3: View Schedule
The waiver forms can be downloaded and printed:
Individual/Minor Waiver Form: Download PDF | Download Word DocTeam Waiver Form: Download PDF | Download Word Doc
Register a Team or Player
Online Registration is available now! We accept major credit cards, PayPal and checks.
SIGN UP NOWFAQ’S for our Winter Program:
Are there practices?
No, only games on the weekends.
How many kids do you recommend for a team?
8-10 players for 6×6. We do not have roster maximums or minimums. Please note: 5×5 team play is discontinued for 2024-2025.
My child doesn’t have a team, can I still sign up?
Of course! We take individuals up to age 17 and will place them with other kids their age to form a team with a parent volunteer coach. If your child is older, you can turn in a form without payment and we will keep them on a wait list for teams who need an extra player. And new this year all individual players will get a T Shirt with their registration.
How early should I register?
EARLY! We fill very quickly, often before the deadline, especially for Sessions 2 and 3. Full payment is due with your registration.
How do I know if my team or child has been accepted?
The director will send a confirmation email once the deadline has passed confirming your place in the league.
Is this for House/Recreation teams only?
This league is for House teams, however, we allow up to two travel players per team and sometimes allow lower level Travel teams to play up an age group (only with permission by the director).
How do I sign up?
Register online by clicking the registration link here OR download the registration form and then turn in your form with your payment (check or cash). You can mail the form or bring it to our office. For team registrations, we do not need a list of players at this time, and we accept multiple checks as long as they total the full team fee. Please try to register online, it’s much easier!
Need more Info?
Please contact Youth Recreation Soccer Director, Rachel Lima 703-7509521 Xx 12, or by email at Rachellimaffx@gmail.com .