Session 2
- January 18, 2025 – March 8, 2025
- 8 Weeks – 7 Games
- $950.00 (Games can be scheduled for Monday – January 20 and Monday – February 17.)
- Deadline January 10th Closed No more teams
A non-refundable deposit of $150 must be made for all team fees to secure your spot and the remaining balance due a week before game 1.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTERScroll down for schedules and standings

League Director: Iver Claure
Email: ffxsports.soccer@gmail.com
*Teams playing in session 1 will secure a spot in session 2 by paying a non-refundable $150 deposit for Session 2 along with the Session 1 registration. The balance for Session 2 must be paid by December 29, 2024.
*Given that our Travel Indoor program typically reaches capacity before the deadline, we highly recommend early registration.
– Any team that enters two squads in the same session and age group will receive a $25 discount for the 2nd squad. However, there is no discount for entering the same team in Session 1 and Session 2.
– Fairfax Sportsplex allows teams to submit one request during a given season. Please note that we do not guarantee that we can honor that request. It can be challenging to accommodate the requests of numerous youth teams. All bye requests must be submitted in writing via email.
New turf, better lighting, bigger fields.
Please Note: “The indoor soccer surfaces at the Fairfax Sportsplex are carpeted with synthetic grass fields or sport court tiles. While some of these fields may simulate an outdoor playing surface, we do not allow players to wear cleats for any leagues (Men, Women, Coed, or Youth). Thank you!”
VIEW RULESBoys Travel Soccer – Schedule
* Swipe left & right or scroll to view.
LAUNCH SCHEDULEBoys Travel Soccer – Standings
* Swipe left & right or scroll to view.
LAUNCH STANDINGSBoys Travel Soccer – Team Flight
* Swipe left & right or scroll to view.
LAUNCH ROSTERGirls Travel Soccer – Schedule
* Swipe left & right or scroll to view.
LAUNCH SCHEDULEGirls Travel Soccer – Standings
* Swipe left & right or scroll to view.
LAUNCH STANDINGSGirls Travel Soccer – Team Flight
* Swipe left & right or scroll to view.
LAUNCH ROSTERRegister a Team
Online Registration is available now! We accept major credit cards, PayPal and checks.